
Here you will find articles and regular columns written by our NSSF Medical Team and other guest physicians, surgeons, psychologists, and chiropractors, etc. on a variety of topics of interest and relevance to both athletes and coaches. Please feel free to browse through the articles, download or print them. If you have any questions concerning a particular article or would like to suggest topics for future articles, please email us at

Featured Column - Ask Sparky

By “Claudia “Sparky” Chapel- The NSSF’s Therapeutic Massage Therapist, owner of The Muscular Therapy Center and creator of the “I Am A Champion” program.

This column is about anything and everything. No question is ever too complicated or too simple. If I don’t know the answer, I will find someone who does. This column will appear every week and will be open to all athletes, coaches, parents, officials: anyone who has anything to do with this sport we love; Track and Field. Send all questions and comments to

The Team

The NSSF Medical Director, Dr. Robert Jones has assembled an impressive group of world-class, multidisciplinary health practitioners who volunteer their services at our Indoor and Outdoor Nationals and the Great American XC Festival. Meet key members of our MedTeam: Dr. Robert Jones, Dr. Amadeus Mason, Claudia Chapel, Dr. Jeanette Anderson, Dr. Margaret Ottley and Stephen Segatore.


Our Partners

Our TrackMedic Partners